About the Author

As a practicing Spiritual Psychologist, Behzad Parsa is the author of several works on
spirituality, self-discovery, and personal development.

His writing is largely influenced by Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul’s teachings as channeled by Alice A. Bailey through her numerous literary works. Having initially found the art of written word somewhat troublesome to master, he eventually discovered his voice out of necessity. Although his contemplative style requires a well-developed sense of focus, the knowledge within these pages was distilled with the intention of assisting humanity along the path to expanding its collective consciousness. Embark on a journey of self-discovery with an opportunity to question contemporary assumptions and ideologies.

His work continues to serve as inspiration to those in pursuit of spiritual and personal
development. Through various charitable organizations and scholarship programs, proceeds from
the sale of his products are devoted to the empowerment of underprivileged youth on an
international scale. And his foundation – Mysteries of Reality – was established for the intent
purpose of realizing this vision.

Behzad parsa